Sunday 25 October 2015

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

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"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

 Ladies and Gentlemen, this book will without any doubt change your life, by changing your mind about the concept of "money". So many of us were brought up with the idea of money as a finite resource, which you had to compete for. This book is desgined to release every preconcieved idea that is holding us all back from wealth.
The basic premise of this book is that becoming wealthy is a science, that once understood, and replicated will create wealth in everyone's life. Wealth is as infinite as the creative mind. Create ideas, take action and abundance will flow.

I have read over 200 books on success and wealth, before I read this book. Nothing I had read upto this point had such an incrediblely profound effect on my wealth, because it changed my misconceptions on what it took to become wealthy. Within ten months of applying these principles and concepts, I had exponentially increased my income to levels that would had been unthinkable 12 months earlier.

I would reccomend that every student of this book, also read, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Money is Easy by Larry Winget, The Einstien Factor Wenger & Poe, Psyco Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz & Born Rich by Bob Proctor. All these books will enhance your understanding of this incredible book.

The ideas and concepts, once studied and applied will transform your mental approach to money. This is a book that will take you a day to read, but a life-time to understand fully. Give it serious study, and I guarantee you success 

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles



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