Sunday 25 October 2015

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

A Donation of any amount will result in Universal Prosperity coming back to you and is greatly appreciated!

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles

 Ladies and Gentlemen, this book will without any doubt change your life, by changing your mind about the concept of "money". So many of us were brought up with the idea of money as a finite resource, which you had to compete for. This book is desgined to release every preconcieved idea that is holding us all back from wealth.
The basic premise of this book is that becoming wealthy is a science, that once understood, and replicated will create wealth in everyone's life. Wealth is as infinite as the creative mind. Create ideas, take action and abundance will flow.

I have read over 200 books on success and wealth, before I read this book. Nothing I had read upto this point had such an incrediblely profound effect on my wealth, because it changed my misconceptions on what it took to become wealthy. Within ten months of applying these principles and concepts, I had exponentially increased my income to levels that would had been unthinkable 12 months earlier.

I would reccomend that every student of this book, also read, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Money is Easy by Larry Winget, The Einstien Factor Wenger & Poe, Psyco Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz & Born Rich by Bob Proctor. All these books will enhance your understanding of this incredible book.

The ideas and concepts, once studied and applied will transform your mental approach to money. This is a book that will take you a day to read, but a life-time to understand fully. Give it serious study, and I guarantee you success 

"The Science of Getting Rich" (Audiobook) by Wallace D. Wattles



Saturday 24 October 2015

Testament of Solomon

A Donation of any amount will result in Universal Prosperity coming back to you and is greatly appreciated!

 Testament of Solomon 


 Testament of Solomon 

The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, the authorship of which is ascribed to King Solomon. It describes how Solomon was enabled to build the Temple by commanding demons by means of a magical ring entrusted to him by the Archangel Michael. Content The text reads like a self-help manual against demonic activity, with a moral to follow. When a demon named Ornias harasses a young lad (who is favored by Solomon) by stealing half his pay and sucking out his vitality through the lad's thumb on his right hand, Solomon prays in the temple and receives from the archangel Michael a ring with the seal of God (in the shape of a Pentalpha having the name of God inscribed within) on it which will enable him to command the demons (c.f. Seal of Solomon). Solomon lends the ring to the lad who, by throwing the ring at the demon Ornias, stamps him with the seal and brings him under control. Then Solomon orders the demon Ornias to take the ring and similarly imprint the prince of demons who is Beelzeboul/Beelzebul. With Beelzebul under his command Solomon now has the entire race of demons at his bidding to build the temple. Beelzebul reveals he was formerly the highest ranking angel in Heaven. In Chapter 18 the demons of the 36 decans appear with names that sometimes seem to be conscious distortions of the traditional names for the decans and claim responsibility mostly for various ailments and pains. They provide the magical formulae by which they may be banished. For example, the thirty-third demon is Rhyx Phtheneoth who causes sore throat and tonsilitis and can be driven off by writing the word Leikourgos on ivy leaves and heaping them into a pile. Solomon's final demon encounter involves sending a servant boy with his ring to take captive a wind demon who is harassing the land of Arabia. The boy is to hold a wineskin against the wind with the ring in front of it, and then tie up the bag when it is full. The boy succeeds in his task and returns with the wineskin. The imprisoned demon calls himself Ephippas and it is by his power that a corner stone, thought to be too large to lift, is raised into the entrance of the temple. Then Ephippas and another demon from the Red Sea bring a miraculous column made of something purple (translation obscure) from out of the Red Sea. This Red Sea demon reveals himself as Amelouith who claimed to be the demon who supported the Egyptian magicians against Moses and who hardened Pharaoh's heart but had been caught with the Egyptian host when the sea returned and held down by this pillar until Ephippas came and together they could lift it. There follows a short conclusion in which Solomon describes how he fell in love with a Shunammite woman and agreed to worship Rephan and Moloch.[2] Solomon agrees to sacrifice to them, but only sacrifices the blood of locust by simply crushing them with his hand. Immediately, the Spirit of God departs from him and he is made foolish and his name a joke to both humans and demons. Along with the negative presentation she is given in the Bible, the Testament of Solomon presents the Queen of Sheba as a witch, indicating that the author had an awareness of Jewish tradition, which had argued the same. Solomon concludes his text with a warning to mankind. He reminds mankind not to be like he was; to be both aware of the present and the future: To understand the consequences of your actions before you act. Judeo-Christian themes The appearance of the archangel Michael is the first example of the Judeo-Christian theme surrounding the text. Perhaps the most intriguing Judeo-Christian theme found inside the text was during King Solomon's encounter with the demon Ephippas. While working on the temple, Ephippas is asked by Solomon why he is frustrated. The demon replies that he is concerned over the only thing that can truly take away his powers and defeat him. It was going to be a man born of a virgin who will be crucified on a cross by the Romans prodded on by the Jews. The "prediction" that Ephippas makes is actually one of the primary indicators that the text was written in the New Testament Era. A possible reference to the powers of Solomon, and pehaps the Testament of Solomon, is found in Luke 11:29,31. Jesus says (NIV), "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign. The Queen of the South will rise in judgement with the men of this generation...for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here." It is generally accepted that this is in reference to Solomon's wisdom, but the supernatural qualities of the verses may suggest more. 


Tuesday 29 September 2015




 - READ along by clicking (CC) for Closed Caption Transcript!

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Chapter listing and length:

Chapter 1 Victorious Attitude - 00:19:14
Chapter 2 According the Thy Faith - 00:28:08
Chapter 3 Doubt the Traitor - 00:24:02
Chapter 4 Making Dreams Come True - 00:29:26
Chapter 5 A New Rosary - 00:37:51
Chapter 6 Attracting the Poorhouse - 00:27:21
Chapter 7 Making Yourself a Prosperity Magnet - 00:26:36
Chapter 8 The Suggestion of Inferiority - 00:23:55
Chapter 9 Have You Tried Love's Way? - 00:39:51
Chapter 10 Where Your Supply Is - 00:25:56
Chapter 11 The Triumph of Health Ideals - 00:34:40
Chapter 12 You Are Headed Toward Your Ideal - 00:21:52
Chapter 13 How to Make the Brain Work for Us During Sleep - 00:19:21
Chapter 14 Preparing the Mind for Sleep - 00:17:17
Chapter 15 How to Stay Young - 00:29:18
Chapter 16 Our Oneness with Infinite Life - 00:18:25

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This video: Copyright 2014. Greatest Audio Books. All Rights Reserved. Audio content is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit



Katie Souza: Healing Your Wounded Soul

Katie Souza: Healing Your Wounded Soul

Katie Souza: Healing Your Wounded Soul 

Katie Souza Ministries & Expected End Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Prison Ministry based in Maricopa, Arizona. It was founded in 2006 by ex-felon and author Katie Souza.
 Katie Souza and the EEM team teach and equip people how to move in the supernatural and cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on earth. Through this ministry, thousands of people have experienced physical and emotional healing and have been equipped to fulfill their God given destinies.
KSM & EEM also serve the inmate population in over 2,000 prisons across the United States and in five countries. Katie is the author of  "The Captivity Series: The Key to Your Expected End." Her powerful testimony of turning captivity into promise has changed the lives of countless people around the world. Her book teaches inmates how to take possession of their Kingdom purpose while behind bars.
FUNDING: Katie Souza Ministries & Expected End Ministries are funded by corporate and individual donations. Funding is also provided by Katie Souza's speaking engagements, TV Broadcast Ministry and resource materials produced by Katie Souza. KSM & EEM voluntarily submits to the Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship and is a member of the ECFA. Tax Deductible receipts are sent upon each individual donation and a detailed giving receipt will be made available upon request to
Would you like to make a Donation?  Or become a Partner?

Katie Souza: Healing Your Wounded Soul


Friday 25 September 2015

The Importance Of Giving Responsibly

The Importance Of Giving Responsibly

The Importance Of Giving Responsibly

Let me start by saying that as a rule of thumb I generally tend to avoid Ministries or Business ventures that encourage me to avoid paying my bills, taking food out of my families mouths on this pre-concieved notion that God and or the business will cover everything if I just give what I have..That is a lie from hell !!! I will explain why, First off think about this for a momment what does the word Responsible mean to you ? In the world we hear phrases like gamble responsibly, drink responsibly and things of that nature, because even the secular world knows the dangers of imbalance!
I am not against giving, those that know me on a personal level know I am the least materialistic person you will ever meet in your life and I give often and freely but responsibly and in scriptural order.
Are you seriously telling me that God is not a God of responsibility and order, is that what your trying to tell me ? Because I just dont buy that!
Often Christians are shamed and guilt tripped into giving because they know that they should and that it is good and right, but often what is not teached and preached is that God is a God of Responsibility and order and does not encourage chaotic lifestlyles in giving or any other fashion!!

So let me break it down for you in the sequential and correct scriptural order of giving :

 1: Pay your bills ! The bible states clearly Charity begins at home, but if you neglect to pay your rent and other functions of that home what do you think will happen to that home, will you be in a better position to help people losing your Home ? I think not! 

2: Do no take food out of the mouths of your Children, Scripture makes it clear that those who cannot provide for their family are worse than infidels if you are not ministering to those closest to you, you risk losing them in more ways than one when God put them closest to you for a reason!

3. Tithe- am not against it but in this correct order where it is fit and proper. It is right to honour God for the very life we breathe and I believe it opens up doors of opportunity and blessing so we can operate on a higher level of service to others 

4. Give whatever is left over! Feel free to give in any fashion and any amount provided but only after you have done it in this correctly scriptural and most importantly "responsible" order, and I believe you will be blessed and suffer no sorrow for it because when you give in this order, often times the example of the life we lead sets people more free than our giving. Then you will truly know the peace of God in this matter and will not be condemed and guilt shamed into poverty! 

The Importance Of Giving Responsibly

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Russo Comments on Hulk Hogan on GMA

Russo Comments on Hulk Hogan on GMA

Russo Comments on Hulk Hogan on GMA

Vince Russo speaks from the heart concerning the comments made today by Terry Bollea on Good Morning America. A portion of the subject matter from that show hits close to home with Vince, as he's been struggling severity with the disease known as depression for his whole adult life.

Russo Comments on Hulk Hogan on GMA

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Sting Injured At 2015 WWE Night of Champions

Sting Injured At 2015 WWE Night of Champions

Sting Injured At 2015 WWE Night of Champions 

 "As many of you may already know, Sting is undergoing treatment for the injuries he sustained in last night’s match with Seth Rollins. Doctors will continue to evaluate his condition, but he is a man of remarkable health and resiliency, especially at his age and with all he’s endured throughout his stellar career. Therefore, we are optimistic he will have a speedy recovery and return to full health soon. Sting has kept his body in excellent shape, due largely to the guidance he’s received from his personal trainer Jeff Cavaliere (ATHLEAN-X), and we trust this will prove beneficial to the recovery process. As a side note, we later learned the greatest damage to his body took place before the match was over, but being the true professional he is and among the hardest workers to ever step foot in the ring, he insisted to see the match through to the end." -Steve Martinez

Sting Injured At 2015 WWE Night of Champions